We have driven by the Sacred Garden of Maliko hundreds of times and today we went in. Luckily there was one parking spot waiting for us. The garden is beautiful and filled with sacred, decorated places for Jesus, Buddha and Quan Yin. There are all types of gardens:
Playful dish gardens - small plants growing out of fanciful dishes or cups or bowls
Living shrines with graceful, tropical plants growing around statues
Colorful fairy gardens with sparkling colored glass humming birds and dragonflys
Water gardens in large bowls with lily pads and lotus flowers
There are two labyrinths, a 12 circuit and a 7 circuit. The 12 circuit is outside near Maliko gulch where the river flows when it rains. The labyrinth is surrounded by tropical plants with gigantic leaves and a tall and wide tree with green leaves which were backlit by the sun when we arrived. The 7 circuit is inside with a beautiful large image of Jesus.